SellVantage™ is a sales closing & forecasting tool for complex sales
It is the next generation sales tool for selling expensive, complex, long sales-cycle offerings where significant competition exists. Managing the complex sale is a delicate dance and effective issue management is all that separates the winner from the losers.
Identifying the key issues limiting the seller’s success and managing when and how they are addressed, is key to winning the deal. Complicating matters, these issues are numerous and dynamic. At any point during the sales-cycle, there are dozens of factors impacting the seller’s success — frequently in excess of 50! The question is, which one(s) do you focus on? SellVantage facilitates the identification of influencing “factors”, and more importantly, points out the ones that will have the greatest influence on the seller’s position (relative to the completion), if addressed at that time.

SellVantagte is not a CRM system or a CRM plugin. Unlike CRM systems which loose much of their value after prospect identification and qualification, SellVantage provides significant and increasing value during the actual selling phase of the sales process — complementing CRM.
SellVantage analyzes the dozens of influences that impact the success of the deal, many of which are frequently overlooked or discounted. It identifies the most significant influences at the time and through a complex algorithm that considers the buyer’s and seller’s situations and market factors, produces a list of action items to improve the seller’s standing.
SellVantage is adaptive — through the sales cycle, as issues arise, change, or are addressed, the new/remaining issues are analyzed and critical next steps identified.
SellVantage keeps your sales team focused on the things that matter, not just being busy. It allows you to monitor their progress and quickly identify those who are struggling — not making real progress.
It enables sales managers, who are responsible for multiple sellers, to provide detailed and meaningful sales guidance about each deal, at the push of a button.
And SellVantage produces a much more accurate sales forecast that is based on the many real and changing factors that impact the sale, not on a “progress percentage” tied to how far the opportunity is in the sales process.
If you are curious about how SellVantage could help you win that next big deal, increase your sales team’s productivity, and dramatically improve your sales forecast accuracy, download our product brochure and/or give us a call, (513) 739-0155.